Uniform Shop


The Uniform Shop at Star of the Sea School stocks all the necessary uniform items to meet our schools uniform requirements. It is located next to the LOTE and Art classrooms and is open 3 days a week.
Price Lists and Uniform Policies can be downloaded below.

Please be reminded that School Uniforms can be ordered on the Qkr App.

*If Uniforms are ordered before 8.30am, they will be delivered to your child’s class the same day.

For all enquiries, please contact Marie, Shop Convenor:
​Mobile:0438 287 742
Opening Hours
​Monday ​Wednesday ​Friday
​8.30am - 10.30 am 2.00pm - 4.00pm ​8.30am - 10.30am
If you need to make an appointment outside of these hours, please do not hesitate to contact Marie


Uniform Policies / Price List / Order Forms
Price List ​
​​Uniform Shop Price List 2025 including opening hours January 2025.pdf
​Uniform Policy Uniform Policy Star of the Sea.pdfUniform Policy Star of the Sea.pdf
​Winter Uniform - Order Form ​Order available during February/March only
Second Hand Uniforms
The Uniform Shop sells second hand uniforms on behalf of parents. If you would like us to sell your old Uniforms please note the following:
  • Only uniforms in good order and condition will be accepted for resale.
  • The uniform shop retains 10% of second hand uniform sales. The preferred payment for all second hand uniforms is by cash. You will be notified of all sales via the weekly school newsletter or Star of the Sea website to collect all sales money.