Assessment is an ongoing process and is used to inform decisions teachers make regarding student progress. It is integral to the planning, teaching and learning cycle, and is the responsibility of both teachers and students.
Student assessment is a continual process which develops a comprehensive, individual profile of each learner over time. A variety of techniques are used which cater for the individual learning needs, styles and tasks required of each student. These techniques may include: teacher observation, student/teacher consultation, criteria checklists, written tasks and tests, and peer and self-assessment.
At Star of the Sea reporting is an important and integral part of teaching and learning. Parents are offered many and varied opportunities throughout the year to receive updated information and to discuss their child’s progress. Parent/teacher Information evenings, school and class newsletters, parent/teacher interviews, viewing and discussion of student work and formal reports are some of the ways in which staff inform parents. Teachers endeavour to support the students and parents by working in partnership to foster each child’s development. Parents are always welcome to inquire about a child’s individual progress by making an appointment with the class teacher.
Reporting Timeframes:
Term 1: Parent/Teacher Interviews
Term 2: Semester 1 Report Card
Term 3: Opportunity for Parent/Teacher Interviews
Term 4: Semester 2 Report Card