Child Care Centre

Located just around the corner from the primary school, Star of the Sea Catholic Child Care Centre provides Long Day Care for children from Birth and through the transition to school. Our educators aim to provide an environment which promotes children’s development and learning and emerges from their individual needs, abilities and interest and extends on home and group interactions.

Our curriculum focuses on the Australian Government Early Years Learning Framework which describes principles, practices and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning. With a strong emphasis on play based learning in natural environments, we believe that play is the best vehicle for children’s learning providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development.
At Star of the Sea we promote children’s learning by:


•         Adopting an  holistic approach and ensuring a range of experiences occur

•         Being responsive to children

•         Planning and implementing learning through play

•         Creating nurturing learning environments

•         Encouraging supportive relationships with children, parents and staff

•         Promoting feelings of security, trust and self-confidence.


At Star of the Sea we also provide an approved Kindergarten Program by a four year Early Childhood trained and registered teacher, helping to smooth the transition to prep and assist with school readiness. Responsiveness to children is the cornerstone of our quality kindergarten learning program and promotes children’s sense of belonging and builds a positive attitude towards learning. Programs focus on building foundation skills in literacy and numeracy.

For further information and booking enquiries please contact our centre on 07 4194 6155 or via email at

Star of the Sea Catholic Child Care Centre is operated by Centacare.

64 Washington Drive
Wondunna, Qld, 4655
Phone: 4194 6155